I wanted to know how I find the number of acres I own in Garvin County. The property has been leased to Continental Resources, Inc since 2017. Warren 1-30-29XH There were 34 acres that came to my sister and I from our Dad when he passed. I learned that my sister had sold her portion. She did not share that information with me. A person from Dry Creek who was interested in buying my portion informed me that she had sold. Shouldn’t I have been informed or asked about the sale? The royalties have consistently gone down, partly due to decreased output, according to the landsman. But I am becoming concerned as to how many of the original 34 acres were sold, how many acres are remaining and what is the current status of the property. Can someone please point me in the right direction to find out?
You should be able to check the county website for property records by looking up your name, your sisters name, or your dads name. Often minerals are passed down undivided, meaning if there are 34 acres, you and your sister each own half of each acre, not 17 separate acres each. So if she sold all of her interest, yours should remain the exact same
@Twiggy_54 , What do you own? Most likely you may own only mineral rights? If that is the case, then your sister owned 50% and you owned 50% of the mineral acres in a 34 Surface acre tract. Her sale should only effect your Net Mineral Acres (NMAs) and not the 34 Surface /Tract acreage. Therefore she could sell her 50% and it does not effect your holdings. Your NMAs are based on a percentage of 100% of the total NMAs. I do not know what your total percentage for the two of you is, so my example. Example: If you both owned together 100% of the NMAs within the 34 acre tract, then you each had 50% of the total 100% or 1/2 each of the 100%. Each one of you is a direct owner of 50% and could sell that to someone else and not involve the other persons 50% as they apply to the Tract. I hope this makes sense? I’m sure others with more knowledge and info will chime in hopefully.MK
Continental didnt take any OGL’s in the Section in 2017. You would not need to be informed if you 2 were conveyed the minerals separately from your fathers estate. Since youre getting paid on the wells, your check stubs should indicate the acreage that you are being paid upon. Yes, horizontal wells decline rapidly after 18 months. Its impossiple to tell how many acres you own, how many acres your sister sold and for what price since she didnt tell you, which is what Im guessing is your main question, without a lot more info
Let me address some of the general questions. If you and your sister owned 34 acres, then each of you would own 17 acres each. Each of you have the right to do with your acreage as you see fit. She could sell hers, keep it, give it to charity, etc. There is no obligation for your sister, Continental or Dry Creek to notify you about the sale. If you think about it, it is likely that in your section, there are numerous other owners of minerals. They buy, sell, or lease all the time. No notice is required. You should still own your original 17 acres.
If you father granted you each an equal share in the 34 acres, then you each have 50% or 17 acres each. Your sister is under no obligation to inform you of a sale unless there is a related agreement with that requirement. The Garvin County County Clerk’s Office will have a record of the sale by your sister. Those records can be reviewed online or in person. Your sister could not have sold any interest related to you unless there was an authorization for such a sale.
You can look up the sale records on www.okcountyrecords.com for free. Use the Advanced search button and your sister’s name. A small fee to print.