Question about activity in Greenbrier district 15 of Doddridge County


I have a small mineral rights interest in the Greenbrier district of Doddridge County. I have received $20.00 to $40.00 a year for 20 years or so. No really that much. I was wondering if there was much activity in the area as I am thinking of letting the property go. Any information would be most appreciated.



I think that there is a lot of activity in Doddridge including Greenbrier.

If you know how to find your area on a map here is a website

Look around. If you get close enough you can see wells. When you see orange lines those are horizontal legs of wells. If you see any near your well, things are coming to you. There is a lot on that website, and on this Mineral Rights Forum.

what you have been receiving over the last 20 years really has no bearing on what that property might produce in the future. Doddridge is one of the “hotbeds” of the Marcellus Shale gas boom. My advice is; Hang onto what you have, when you get a offer(you Will) hire a lawyer to review the offer and assist you in negotiations. The amount of money being produced in Doddridge is way more than anyone predicted.

Richard, Nancy,

Thanks for your input.


Great advice, Richard!

I have a client with property in Greenbrier District, Doddridge County. We haven't been able to identify the exact location of the property yet, but assume that it's on the east side of the district. Historic MapWorks is a great site for figuring out where your minerals are located. Here's the Doddridge County map. It's zoomable, and includes the names of most of the runs, schools, and communities from way back in the day. That's helpful because the old leases often referred to property as being located on a particular run.

Thanks Kyle, valuable information.

Another source for older maps is the Ritchie County Historical Society which sells old farm maps for several counties including Doddridge.

There is also a company Central Drafting 921 Emerson Ave, Parkersburg, WV 26104 (304) 485-7148

which sells these and the big versions. It takes maybe 15 maps to cover Ritchie whereas the maps from the Historical Society have the same map but on 2 sheets of paper. Very large paper in both instances. These Old Farm Maps are from around 1905 and show existing wells but and "leased by" information, but the basic information is property (surface) owners and the parcel outlines.