Question about Newfield Exploration

The Rother 1H-5X has been producing initially 323 barrels per day since Feb. 26, 2014 on a section in which we own 80 mineral acres, No royalties have been paid by Newfield. We have received a very generous offer to purchase our 80 acres sec 8 township14, range 8 west. Don't undertand the delay by Newfield. How can we tell if daily production has increased or if other wells have been drilled in our section? Should we consider accepting the offer?

What section, township and Range is your Rother 1H in? Are your sure your 80 acres are mineral rights and not just land rights? Rother sounds like up by Okarche? If you really have mineral rights you should have been paid, If you haven't, you may need a lawyer. I would not think of selling before I found this out. You may be already owed a lot of money. I believe I may have some mineral rights around there

John Larkin said:

What section, township and Range is your Rother 1H in? Are your sure your 80 acres are mineral rights and not just land rights? Rother sounds like up by Okarche? If you really have mineral rights you should have been paid, If you haven't, you may need a lawyer. I would not think of selling before I found this out. You may be already owed a lot of money. I believe I may have some mineral rights around there

No..find out why they have not paid you first. They buyer likely wants you to sign away all the previous income coming to you.

The Rother 1-5X is a multiunit well including section 8.

Looks like the breakdowns are 52.3% in section 5 & 47.7% in Section 8.

Not a bad well. Looks like it has made over 80K barrels since they brought it online. Pretty good gas numbers as well.

Since they have been late on paying you. You can also request a statutory interest payment that can be as much as 12% if your title is good and clear. They have to pay you within 6 months of the first sales or you can ask for interest. They don't offer it up, so you will need to send a letter requesting it.

Mineral Steve where do you find the info for % of the multi unit well you described?