Rate and bonus question for weld county

We have the rights to ~160 acres.

Township 7 north, range 63 west, 6th PM Section 14: north half of the south half (n/2, s/2)

We received at offer for $500/NMA bonus and 18% royalties. From what I’m reading on here that seems low on both aspects. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated!!!

$1k is highest but royalty seems odd 3/16ths is common

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cool. do you think its worth aiming for 1k and 1/5th?

I’d say 1/5th be tough to get.

Did you end up leasing this NG? Figured that area would be HBP, have some minerals a couple miles to the west of ya thats been held by an old vertical that I couldnt get a bonus on

I think this was sent to the wrong person; my minerals are in Renville county ND. But no they aren’t leased at this time.

@bob we just got a revised offer of 3/16ths and $750/NMA. considering taking it. 3 year term.

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