RBN Energy

I understand that this website "rbn energy" will have several articles oover the next few days on the current status of the Bakken. The information was gathered at the Platts Rockies Convention where various speakers from different companies working in the Bakken. This should be some great information and provide an insight into what's currently occurring in the area.

this is a great website....I have been reading it for a week now


I am glad that you are enjoying the information on this website. I have known Mr. Rusty Braziel for years and I know the amount of knowledge that he has for both the oil and gas industry. This is somewhat of a new website which was created after his retirement from Bentek Resources ( an oil and gas markieting company). Watch this site closely for the next few days as he told me that information on the current status of the Bakken would be discussed in detail. This is information obtained from a recent convention of several major players in the Williston Basin. Also, as you can see, he touches on other shale plays along with pipeline transportation matters.