Recieved an offer to sell some mineral rights

I have a partial ownership in

Eddy county, NM all sec. 5, t-18-s, R-31-E, NMPM all sec. 6, t-18-s, R-31-E, NMPM

at a net $1500 per acre

How does one know how many acres they have and if that is a decent offer

Thank you!

Ask the agent how many net mineral acres they are asking about.

Since you are surrounded by sections with permits to drill horizontal wells, I suspect that the offer is low and is for the production you have on the current wells, not the future potential.

Offers to buy come frequently before a drilling program and tend to start out lowball.

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Thank you for the response! Do you know how to know how many acres I own? or How would I know if there are current wells or any activity on the wells?