Has anyone received these yet? I know Reeves County is always the last to come but just wondering if any have been sent out.
No, but have seen online what my assessments appear to be at truth in taxation
Thanks. Yes, much better information than Reeves CAD, although doesn’t list all my properties.
assuming you went here as well. Reeves CAD property search
Yes thanks. And to here https://www.cagi.com/ This is where all my properties are listed and the values have been posted since July, so don’t know what the hold up is. Not that I am anxious to pay the taxes but just like to get it over with!
I have heard statements are to be mailed by the end of the month. Due to the chaos in the Tax Office and the CAD (the Tax Office lost the contract to collect taxes and it is now back with the CAD), they also sent out statements in December last year.
I was told today by the Deputy Chief Appraiser that they should be going out the middle of this month. You can go to https://reeves.propertytaxpayments.net/ to see the current status. Mine is only through 2022 so far.
Mine came today and the mineral taxes seem low. I am not complaining, but after some of what we have seen, it seems a bit suspect. Zelda-Link E in BLK 13 Sec 237-238 is only valued at $16,256 (tax $272.81) and Zelda-Link W is valued at $101,736 (tax $1707.18). Interesting that these two horizontal wells that are next to each other are valued very differently!
They were available online a lot quicker than we received them in the mail. Nothing lower for ours. All went up appreciably.
All of mine don’t show online. The tax statement shows that checks go to Dallas, not Pecos. Is that what everyone else sees?
Reeves CAD is probably using a bank lock box so that checks are deposited immediately. This is also added security so that checks are not handled in the CAD office where they could be lost. The Reeves Tax data is online at this website - https://reeves.propertytaxpayments.net/
Reeves statements are out along with a long overdue semi-apology letter from the CAD. We had overdue accounts appear when we searched on the website, which is now back up and running so you can search for accounts in your name. Most had already been paid. When we sent them a letter to provide proof they corrected it promptly.
We are seeing improvements at Reeves CAD. Elimination of the Tax Office as collector and they are slowly getting the database mess under control. However, the advise stays the same. Save everything from Reeves, even if you don’t think it is important. It will take several years for all the messes that were created to be ironed out to an acceptable level.
I finally figured out how to pay online for all my properties. I wanted to make sure my payments processed in December. It went through Certified Payments and took one day. Now all my accounts on Reeves CAD show -0- balances. I don’t like paying online but I think it worked smoothly, and Wade is right–keep copies of everything. My mineral property tax payments files are very thick!!
Still waiting on statements for both Reeves wells and Reeves surface. I know other owners who are also missing statements. Do you know if all of the statements have been mailed or if they are being sent out in batches over time? There is no way to download the statements on CAD website. The individual well blocks sets out only a total tax due and do not provide the assessed value or which taxes and rates are being applied (county, isd, hospital, etc) so it not possible to determine if whether the stated taxes are complete or accurate.
I found nothing on the actual Reeves CAD website. I clicked on Reeves CAD Property Tax Department on Reeves CAD and from there I set up a new account. The only way I was able to see all my wells online was to search by Statement ID, which I got from the paper Tax Statement I received. Otherwise, everything did not show just by searching by my company name.
Also, I verified the Taxable Value matched the CAGI Assessed Value from my two accounts at Capitol Appraisal Group.
When I called Reeves CAD last week, they said the mineral statements would be mailed by mid-December. But I tried to call this week and it’s impossible to get through!
@TennisDaze - I have not heard how far along they are on mailing statements. They were available online a few weeks before we got them in the mail.
Received all of the Reeves County Mineral/Property taxes about 10 days ago, Less than I thought they’d be!
I did receive a tax bill and a semi- apologetically toned note from Reeves last week for wells in Ward county. I also have a tax bill from Ward County for the same two wells. I don’t have it in front of me, but I thought I’d read that Reeves are collecting for the school districts, so they are the taxing entity for certain things outside Reeves county? Given all the other things I’ve read about the Reeves situation, I wanted to confirm their jurisdiction etc, first, especially since their bill is twice what Ward county’s is.
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