Reeves County-Substructure of Sec. 265, Blk. 13

Our family is looking for information regarding the substructure of Section 265, Block 13. We own a 20 acre property in SECTION 265, Lots 5,6,7 &8, BLOCK 3, TOYAH VALLEY GRAPE & ALFALFA SUBDIVISION , BLOCK 13, H&GN SURVEY. Our current Lease is with Colgate. There appears to be a reluctance to drill. Lawrence may have seen information about this substructure. Thanks, Karen Burbank

What has occurred that makes you think that there is a reluctance to drill?

We had our original lease with COG. We were purchased by Colgate last March. There just seems to be a delay. Karen Burbank

Do you mind sharing the Abstract? The Eastern Half of Block 13 is prime Wolfcamp oil window (medium GOR). The Western half falls off into the Alpine High area- may account for reluctance to drill.

Colgate took over an old well there but I don’t remember right now who it was they took over from.
However, they have a staked location right next to that well and are evidently about to start drilling there. Henry Oil is drilling a well on Ribb’s land just a section or two southeast of section 265 in Block 13. Toyah creek runs along the western boundary there and is a fault zone that pinches out the anticlines in the stacked shale plays there. Good potential wells there.

, Reeves county, Tx

Ryan, I am sorry but I am unclear as to what the Abstract is>


Thank you, Lawrence! Karen

Ryan, It is Abstract 321 or A-321.


Ryan, It is abstract 321 or A-321. Karen

Ms. Burbank, I doubt there is reluctance to drill, but rather the impossibility of drilling at this time. All of the Toyah Valley Grape & Alfalfa Sub. was subdivided into eight five acre lots within forty acre blocks in the early 1900s. These lots/blocks were then sold to folks all over the US. Some have remained relatively together, or individuals have scraped together larger tracts (which have largely been drilled by now), and some have been lost to history. It may be a very long time before the remaining Toyah Valley tracts are drilled, because it would be difficult, if not impossible, in some sections, to drill a lateral without hitting an unleased tract (thereby trespassing). This is a good area, at least more so than farther west or south in Block 13. Best Regards, Mike

Really good area… perspective for common Delaware targets. Noble has 4 active permits (may) which place horizontal wellbores (likely Wolfcamp A) through A-321. It appears the middle of the abstract is not subject to these permits. Maybe Colgate is trying to aggregate the remnant acreage and put together a location or two. If what Mr. Vinson suggests is true this may be a tall order. Remedies exist for securing the needed acerage. Receivership or eating the interest and making the unleased mineral interest a working interest partner (once well pays out and probably subject to JOA) Companies will usually do what it takes in a high rate of return area although drilling with too much outstanding interest can be detrimental to the economics. Likely Colgate will take their time and try to acquire as many of the leases as possible.

Thank you, Michael. Karen

Thank you, Ryan. Karen