Reeves County, TX - Oil & Gas Discussion archives


If what you are saying is that the volume shown on my statement only reflects the volume from my acreage ~ however my statement shows total volume and my % based on a 512 acre lease and our property share of the production.

I think I’m going to email resolute.



February 7, 2018

Pioneer Natural Resources is going all in on Permian Basin, selling all other oil and gas assets. “Irving-based Pioneer Natural Resources announced Tuesday that it was selling its non-Permian Basin acreage and infrastructure to focus its money and attention on what’s sometimes called a “Super Basin.” A large chunk of the sale — 70,000 acres — is in South Texas’ Eagle Ford shale, which includes both oil and natural gas production. Pioneer is also selling its assets in the West Panhandle natural gas field in Texas, oil and gas acreage in the Sinor Nest Field in South Texas and gas production in the Raton Basin, along the Colorado-New Mexico border. “After these divestitures are completed, Pioneer’s operations will be solely in the Permian Basin,” Timothy L. Dove, Pioneer’s president and CEO, said in a written statement.” More at

They count the Delaware basin as part of the Permian basin. That’s wrong because the Pecos River seismic Rift separates the two basins.…

Check out this seismic stress map of the Permian and Delaware basins.
Shows historical and recent seismic events in the area. They would like to blame recent events on saltwater disposal wells injecting produced
water into dry porous non producing formations. That’s NOT the cause.

Crustal tidal variations flex the crust of the Earth along weak spots…earthquake fault zones all across the area. Most activity is
along the borders of tectonic plates of the Earth’s crust where they
impact one another. We are in the MIDDLE of such a tectonic plate.
But, magma is moving under tidal forces along the Mantle of the Earth
on which the crust/surface ‘floats’. The pressure is released from time to time along weak ‘cracks’ in the crust we call earthquake faults.
Reeves, Culberson, Pecos, Ward, Loving counties especially along the Pecos River RIFT are susceptible to this seismic shifting. So, expect MORE seismic activity, but the oil and gas drilling and saltwater disposal
is NOT the cause of increases in seismic events in the area.

Mike…I hear, as do you, that the RRC is greatly extending the permitting
process for SWDs …which doesn’t hurt my feelings any. This means
competitive SWD operators will have to wait to be able to operate any
SWD wells they drill…and that leaves MORE produced water that the
SWD on my property will have to dispose of…meaning more money for
the operator and more for me.

M A Smith, that’s correct. The Permian Basin is overarching and includes the Delaware and Midland Basins, which are separated by the Central Basin Platform.


I understand what you are saying about the faults and seismic activity in the area. A lot of people are trying blame this activity on SWD’s. What do you hear about the Railroad Commission and their new additional regulations with respect to SWD’s? I’m hearing that are severely slowing down the permitting process.

Lawrence – Most papers I’ve seen show the Delaware and Midland basins separated by the Central Basin Platform. We use the term “Permian Basin” but I’ve viewed it as a more general description of all of the above. Am I wrong?

Wade…that’s why I’m trying to get a consortium together of major oil and
gas exploration and production companies…to operate a CRASH CRASH
Priority One research and development program to turn produced water
back into fresh drinking water…but, we will STILL need huge surface
reservoirs to store the reclaimed water because ‘they’ won’t allow it to be
reinjected into the fresh water aquifers of the area…claiming THAT causes earthquakes as well. The next step will be to declare the fresh water manmade holding surface reservoirs to be causing pressure
concentrations that stress the crust and…you guessed it…cause earthquakes.

But, I would like to see these surface fresh water reservoirs raising fish
for protein, the water released for vegetable farming for food for people
and fodder for dairies and beef feeder operations.


Not sure what is causing the increased seismic activity but the more important issue is what does the state and feds THINK is causing it, and they seem to think, even Texas and Oklahoma, that SWD activity is causing increased seismic activity in certain areas, but not all. It may be that there are a lot more seismographs out there now, which would pick up more activity that historical records would not show. However, I have seen some pretty convincing heat maps which point to increased seismic activity.

In short, looks like it will be harder to get SWD permits in seismic prone areas. It is also accelerating the shift toward using produced water for frac and drilling operations. Just as they are building substantial water systems to bring water in, we may end up with substantial water systems to disperse produced water over a wider area.

Is Resolute doing any new wells in H& GN RR Co Surv blk 2, section 20 or 21?

r. eiland…after clicking on this link check out the (3) South Goat 2 Unit wells(API 389-36597 & 37598 & 36601) I think this is what you are searching for.…

Clint Liles

Clint, thanks for the reply - I should have asked specifically if there are more wells planned in the North Mitre 2 unit of H&GN RR CO Surv bl 2, sections 21 and 20. I see a lot of action in the South Mitre 2 unit adjacent to the North Mitre 2 unit.

Thanks, again.


r. eland – we also participate in the North Mitre unit.

Resolute’s investor presentations contain a lot of good info. Their “Appaloosa” development is on page 26 of the most recent. North and South Mitre are within it.…

Wonderful news…The US Government has given permission for states (Texas) to assess tolls for use of Federal Interstate highways…so
IH10 and IH20 will soon be toll roads. Fill the side pockets in the doors of your truck with quarters and silver dollars. You’re gonna
NEED them.

Newest update from Apache on Alpine High development.…


I hope you’re just kiddin’. Otherwise, I’ll have to take the back roads !!!

Mike Miller…sorry, not kidding at all. Not only are they planning to
turn IH10/20 and IH40, IH35 into toll roads in Texas…now they are
gonna add 25 cents per gallon on both gasoline and diesel at the Federal Tax level. All of that to fund renovation of the transportation system nationwide. Back to $3 to $4/gallon fuel costs…plus whatever they charge every time you get on the interstate highways. Cost of living
is going UP.

New oil field waste disposal plant in Orla on FM 652.

Abraxas provides Operational, Acquisition guidance in Delaware/Permian

They are moving into Reeves and Pecos counties and have landmen
scouts out in Culberson county. They don’t have the money base other
exploration companies do, but their prospects and proven production
are VERY solid.

Three Rivers selling out - I understand the buyer is Admiral Permian out of Midland. Three Rivers has had themselves up for sale for a while.…