Reeves County, TX - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Exxon is a major player in one of the hottest oil plays in the world right now: the Permian Basin.

Right now, nearly 3 million barrels of oil is extracted from the Permian Basin on a daily basis, making up almost one-third of our total output.

So the fact that Exxon doubled its Permian acreage in 2017 and plans on boosting output in the play by 600,000 boepd makes that temptation to buy grow a little more.

That is, until you look at the rest of the field.

Take a closer look at Diamondback Energy (NASDAQ: FANG), for example.

Not only has it outperformed analyst expectations quarter after quarter for last two years, but it’s also trading at a fraction of Exxon’s market cap.

And it’s one of several smaller players that will put Exxon’s performance to shame. Since the last major bottom in oil in February of 2016, the returns haven’t even been close:


This is the kind of buy-and-hold investment that still has enormous growth potential.

Over the next few weeks, we’re going to shine the spotlight on a few other oil stocks worth a second look.


Lots of interest in ‘upstart’ oil and gas companies in the Permian and Delaware basins. The situation in the southern and western Delaware will only get hotter.

BTW, in Reeves and Loving counties near Orla, another ‘upstart’ oil company is drilling wells…BlackMountain. And, their stablemate Eclipse Midstream Svcs is running infrastructure pipelines all over that area.

My Family has minerals in Sec. 207, Blk. 13, H&GN, Reeves County, TX

Does anyone have information on the best lease rates in this area? Thank You

Sections 265 and 266 have seen lease extension bonuses of 10k and 12k

a nominal mineral acre., this last year in 2017. You are a little west of there by three or so miles.

Read over the postings on this site. You should get a good idea. Also I would recommend that you have an attorney negotiate and review the lease as this is a multilayer oil field, meaning different wells could be drilling different levels. or different companies could be paying for the different horizontal wells drilled out from a common drilling platform.

Good Luck

What is the reason so many oil wells have been shut in north of pecos according to RRC Viewer. PDC,Centennial, Carrizo??

These are very good wells shut in.

JM Wilson…The Railroad Commission has lease ALLOWABLES for production. When a well reaches its allowable production for the month,

it has to be shut in by law until the next month when it has production

allowable allocation to fill.

Also, some wells have exceeded their time they are allowed to flare gas

as they wait for the well to be tied into infrastructure gas and oil gathering lines which are not finished yet in many areas of Loving, Reeves, Ward, Pecos, and Culberson counties.

There are over 1800 DUC wells in the Delaware basin west of the Pecos

River. DUC…Drilled, but UnCompleted. It’s NOT a Conspiracy Theory…

it’s the legal wheels turning slow at the Railroad Commission.

A sell ??

Oh, yeah…DUC wells can be used to hold a lease for development…or they

can sell the lease to another operator for operating capital for their other


I have inheirted non executive mineral rights in Reeves county, E/2 of section 295,block13, H&GN Ry, Co. Survey. I am absolutely uninformed about all of this. Can someone help? DK

DK - I checked your section and don’t see any permits or production yet. It’s a good area with drilling in all directions around your tract. There’s not really much for you to do but sit back and wait for activity to occur on your property. You’ll be entitled to royalties off the oil and gas production once it commences. Even just a few acres can make for a nice monthly check once that happens.


These are not DUC wells that are shut in & RRC viewer never post shut in wells for ALLOWABLES for the months production…


We will see !!!

Hector, just sent a friend request so to be able to message you. Send me a private message and we can discus the situation. I am interested. Louise Welch

Help, built a water pit to sell water, drilled a 400’ cased water well on FM 1216, ran out of money. Any one wants to partnership? Call me 432-260-8741 Hector.


If you don’t already know about it, might be logical to determine the lease status of the tract you have royalty interest in…find out if it is currently leased, if so which company holds the lease and what is the lease term. It might take some research in Reeves Co. deed records if you don’t know who holds the executive rights and would be in a position to negotiate a lease there.

Couple of questions - we have royalty interests in land identified as 20 acres, more or less, being the West One Half (W1/2) of the Northwest Forty (NW40) acres of the East one hundred sixty (E,160) acres of Section No. Twenty Five (25), in Block No. Two (2), H&GN RR Co, Survey, Reeves County, Texas. Anyone know who owns this property and is there any activity on it?

Randy Eiland

Concho selling acreage and doing land swap

Concho selling some Ward and Reeves leases to Luxe and Colgate, and doing a land swap on Culberson acreage. Speculation it is with Chevron.…

We have leases with COG within the Iceman Unit, Section 14 Block 5. There have been three wells drilled and two more permitted that I’m aware of. Drilling started September or October. Would this affect our acreage? I’m unsure what the status is on the three existing wells.


If you haven’t seen RRC’s map of your area this may help. The boundary of Sec. 14, Blk 5 is in red and COG’s Hollywood unit is outlined in green. The two drill sites are at the bottom of the section and the horizontal legs of the five wells will extend north. From what your friend said it sounds like COG drilled from one pad then moved over and has started drilling the second well from the other pad. They wouldn’t do that if they didn’t like what they saw on the first well.

Looks like you’re getting there.

Glenda, on the Home page of this forum go down to the section marked “Videos” and watch the one titled “Texas Railroad Commission GIS Tutorial”. It’s a 12 minute YouTube video that will get you started on using RRC’s mapping system which is what you are after.

If that doesn’t do what you are needing come back here and I bet somebody will work on it with you.