Reeves County, TX - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Concho recently sold a package of its Reeves County assets outside of its core to Colgate Energy Partners II. Assignment recorded in January and it looks like it includes working interests in Block 13. Most likely it also includes all of Concho’s leases in Block 13 as well. You can always ask the landman. Colgate has permits in City of Pecos and surrounding area.

Jennifer T 67

I see where Energen has 2 approved permits for Section 36 from back in 2017 but they apparently haven’t been drilled. There are some good Wolfcamp wells in the surrounding area. At this time I see no new permits in this immediate area. I also see where there are numerous approved permits dating back to 2015 for wells in the area that were never ever drilled.

GIS Map of Reeves County Section 36/Block 2:


Clint Liles

Jennifer T 67 and Clint,

that block 36 is sitting right on top of my property. I am Blk 55 Sec 8 T 4 and I am also leased to Energen. Looks like we are in a great area…

Also, Clint could you post a larger picture of Blk 55, Sec 8 T4 that includes a lot of the surrounding more acreage to be able to see a lot more of the drilling and permitting for the area. Thanks to all.

Appreciate all the help,


Good Morning Louise. Here’s that map you requested.

Reeves County Section 8/Block 55 T4S(Township 4 South)


Clint Liles

Sendero opens gas plant in Loving, plans to expand in Permian Basin…

New capacity in Reeves and Loving


thank you so much for the picture, I love it. Sure is a pretty picture with all the wells all around. You did a great job, as usual. Thank you for all you do for all of us on the forum. We would be lost without you.



The last big spurt of leasing was in the early 1960’s by Sun Oil. Section 265 is a highly fragmented Section because of the Torah Valley et al/swindle of the Southern Methodist University, in that small truck farm plats of land, 5 to 20 acres, were sold to “investors”. Section 265 takes a whole lot more work to assemble drilling lease blocks than most of the other sections.

If not for the internet and our current Information technology they probably would be back to the days of having to hire detectives to trace any heirs down.

Mr Rayburn, could you clarify something for me. I have received a letter requesting easement through our acreage. This is the second pipeline asking to cross our land. Will others follow, also requesting right-of-way? Is this common procedure? This one has offered a one-time payment. I wrote our landman for some guidance, but you seem very knowledgeable about this stuff. I have absolutely no reference to rely on. Thanks for taking the time.

Glenda…negotiate a separate right of way agreement with each company that wants to come across your property. Compensation is based on the size of the pipelines and the distance they use to cross your property. You can make the contract a perpetual one where you get a one time payment, or with term limits…like 5 or 10 years for a set fee payable at the beginning of the contract and renewable at the end of the contract term.

ol’Lawrence in Verhalen (BTW, my Dad was Mister Rayburn because he earned it. I’m just

Exxon, Pioneer hype Permian growth for years to come. Some of the producers in West Texas’ booming Permian Basin would have you believe the hype cannot be overstated. The massive Permian shale acreage is expected to account for about 30 percent of all U.S. oil production by the end of the year and it’s easily the fastest-growing oil region in the world. The Permian, previously considered a mature area, is born again thanks to the shale techniques combining horizontal drilling with hydraulic fracturing. “What we’re staring at beneath our feet cannot be replicated anywhere else in the United States. That’s a given,” said Tim Dove, chief executive of Irving-based Pioneer Natural Resources. “We have a golden goose right before us,” Dove said at the CERAWeek by IHS Markit conference in Houston. He joked that Midland – the largest city in rural West Texas – must have negative unemployment levels now. The Permian surge is “demonstrably different” from Texas’ earlier shale developments in East Texas’ Barnett shale and South Texas’ Eagle Ford because it’s 90,000 square miles and the shale rock can easily extend 4,000 feet underground, said Dove and Sara Ortwein, president of ExxonMobil’s shale subsidiary, XTO Energy. “It’s clear now that Permania – as some have called it – is really not a passing fad,” Ortwein said, adding that ExxonMobil plans to triple its Permian production by 2025. The Permian is producing more than 2.5 million barrels of oil a day now and is expected to hit close to 3 million barrels by the end of 2018. Volumes should grow above 4 million barrels in the coming years if healthy oil prices hold. More at


Be advised Clayton Williams, who recently sold all his equipment and holdings for 7.5 Billion bucks to Noble Permian, has land men in Culberson county purchasing land both north and south of IH-10.

He will be developing that county with quad and octal horizontal well

clusters on locations there and building his own gathering and refining

networks there.


my spell checker app keeps changing toyah to torah, there may be some religious humor in that


COG may have sold part of their acreage to Luxe but have not seen an assignment yet.

For people in the general area of Block 13, Sec. 185…fyi, a man saying he is working for Black Stone called and offered to buy our lease in the above section. We have a 1/4 interest in acreage there and he offered what amounted to about $8500 a nma. We declined and it became apparent the offer would go up - but we simply didn’t want to sell and negotiated no further. So we don’t know how high the offer would have gone. We do have two wells spudded on part of the property.

I had a company last year do a seismic survey on my land and they are asking for another test. They indicate that I have to share the monies with the state of Texas. I don’t remember having to share with the state last year. Is this true that they have to share with the state for a seismic test?

Would appreciate any information on this matter.




We had a seismic survey on our property last fall. Since we are Public School Land and the State of Texas owns the minerals we had to share 1/2 of the money with The State of Texas.

Thanks Kenneth for the speedy reply. The gentleman that I spoke with said that the State has started the new sharing agreement with the Seismic companies. The money is fair and I am not against sharing with the State, as they are nice enough to share the oil and gas with us. I do thank you for the information. I appreciate the help…


Mr Lawrence~That seems quite clear, so I will pass this on down the line. (I will heretofore refer to you as Mr. Lawrence as dictated by my Delta upbringing.)

COG sold Ward asset package to Luxe, rec doc 2018-737. Ward County has stopped using volume and page. COG sold Reeves asset package to Colgate, rec vol 1530, page 501.

Liz M,

Noble Permian just completed a well in the northwest corner of that

section and it is part of a cluster of wells they are drilling in that general area…They are horizontal gas wells with two to four wells going in different directions on the same pad. I don’t know what they call that

particular well, but the quad well on the adjacent section to me on the northeast side is called the Jalapeno.

Additionally, across Hwy 17 from you in Block 13, section 153, Primexx

is drilling a horizontal gas well offset on that section to the Mercedes Cattle Company well #1 operated by Noble Permian.

So, they KNOW the gas is there. That means there will be MORE offers from companies that want to get a finger in the pie as well.

I’m pretty sure they are about to drill another horizontal well on the section I’m in because they just ran cameras in the existing water wells

here to see if they would support hard pumping of large volumes of water.

E/2 of Section 21 A-4587, PSL Block C-1,

Does anybody know of any activity in this area?

thanks John