Revised division order on a Unit

I received a revised division order from EOG Resources on my portion of a Karnes County unit that had first sales in 2010. My interest in the unit was decreased by ~1.7%, but the property description did not change.

Does anyone have an explanation on why a Division Order would be revised in this fashion?

Would calling the EOG Resources Interest Owner Relations be of any value - or do I need a lawyer?

I would first call EOG to try to find out what is happening here before going the lawyer route.

Odds are that the original division orders were in error - perhaps left out someone - that they are now revised to make everything correct.

I agree with PRZZ.

Do you have the tele number for the Resources Interest Owner Relations department. I have been trying to find a number where I can actually speak to someone in that area.


If you have a division order it will be on that document - for my original and this revised documents, I got different individuals phone number and eMail (out of the San Antonio office). The EOGR general number for owner inquiry is: 1 877 363-3647 (select option 6).


P. L. Akers said:

Do you have the tele number for the Resources Interest Owner Relations department. I have been trying to find a number where I can actually speak to someone in that area.


I also received division orders on property already paying dividends. They increased

the size of the pool, adding acreage, thereby reducing my future checks accordingly.

You interest could have been decreased because of the total amount of acreage in the unit, not just your acreage.