Rig is drilling...no lease in place

Just curious if I should be taking some sort of action in this situation. The rig is currently actively drilling but I’m yet to secure an OGL and I don’t believe there has been any sort of pooling.

This is in section 28-10-7 American Bison1007 21-28-1MXH


@Cbottom I would reach out to Camino’s land group

You might want to review the following:

[Case Number](javascript:__doPostBack(‘gridCaseNumber$ctl00$ctl02$ctl01$ctl01’,’’)) [Sub](javascript:__doPostBack(‘gridCaseNumber$ctl00$ctl02$ctl01$ctl02’,’’)) [ Case Type](javascript:__doPostBack(‘gridCaseNumber$ctl00$ctl02$ctl01$ctl03’,’’)) [Case Name](javascript:__doPostBack(‘gridCaseNumber$ctl00$ctl02$ctl01$ctl04’,’’)) [Filing Date](javascript:__doPostBack(‘gridCaseNumber$ctl00$ctl02$ctl01$ctl05’,’’))
890152328 0 CD WESTERN OIL & GAS DEVEL CORP 12/1/1989 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
910158683 0 CD WESTERN OIL & GAS DEVEL CORP 1/22/1991 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
201807798 0 CD TPR MID-CONTINENT, LLC 9/25/2018 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
201807799 0 CD TPR MID-CONTINENT, LLC 9/25/2018 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
201808000 0 CD TPR MID-CONTINENT, LLC 10/2/2018 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
201808114 0 CD JONES ENERGY, LLC 10/4/2018 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
201808115 0 CD JONES ENERGY, LLC 10/4/2018 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
201808116 0 CD JONES ENERGY, LLC 10/4/2018 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
201905753 0 CD CAMINO NATURAL RESOURCES, LLC 12/10/2019 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
202000261 0 CD CAMINO NATURAL RESOURCES, LLC 1/30/2020 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging
202001702 0 CD CAMINO NATURAL RESOURCES, LLC 10/1/2020 12:00:00 AM Link to Imaging

Thank you @Richard_Winblad. I went through a reviewed some of the items you shared. I was on the original Pooling application dated 1/30/20 (CD 202000261) but I’m not mentioned on the pooling order (202001702) dated 1/12/21

I was able to get in touch with the Land man, the title company over looked my property. Now Camino wants me to waive my right to Notice.

That has happened to me and if the terms of the prior pooling are more favorable than current ones (and if I was missed on the first pooling), I demand to choose the best option. For me, higher royalty and I really don’t care about the bonus. I won’t waive notice since it was not my fault.


Thank you. The Corp comm is suggesting that I try to negotiate a stand-alone OGL with them.

The first lease they offer you may not be in your favor. You may need legal help to get it to your betterment.


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