Just curious if I should be taking some sort of action in this situation. The rig is currently actively drilling but I’m yet to secure an OGL and I don’t believe there has been any sort of pooling.
This is in section 28-10-7
American Bison1007
Thank you @Richard_Winblad. I went through a reviewed some of the items you shared. I was on the original Pooling application dated 1/30/20 (CD 202000261) but I’m not mentioned on the pooling order (202001702) dated 1/12/21
That has happened to me and if the terms of the prior pooling are more favorable than current ones (and if I was missed on the first pooling), I demand to choose the best option. For me, higher royalty and I really don’t care about the bonus. I won’t waive notice since it was not my fault.