Rights of naked owners to mineral royalties in Louisiana

My father passed away about 12 years ago intestate leaving me and my siblings as naked owners to his half of the estate including mineral rights. My step mother has usufruct. My question relates to the extent of her usufruct over the mineral royalties received on gas wells that were drilled after her usufruct took effect. I believe that she has usufruct over the money, land and mineral rights that existed at the time of my father’s death. However, after reading the Louisiana statues, it is unclear to me whether or not she has usufruct over the royalties from wells that did not exist at the time the usufruct was established. Do we, as naked owners, have a right to the royalties that were received from wells that were dug after my fathers passing?

Yes you should get 1/2 of everything! I believe your best bet is to hire a lawyer and you have to go to court to get this taken care of! Good luck and welcome to the forum!

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