Roger mills ok mineral rights

New mineral rights owner, wondering what I might expect from Roger MillsCounty, Section 5, 4N 21 W…

Any info would be appreciated.

Welcome to the Forum.

Check your description. Do you mean 5-14N-21W? 4N is not in Roger Mills.

If you do mean 5-14N-21W, then there is only a dry hole in that section now. Red Hawk and Mewbourne have been leasing in the section. Make sure your name and address and probate documents are properly filed in the county courthouse so the land men can find you. I suspect horizontal drilling is coming.


Rock Creek Energy ring a bell?

What is your specific question regarding Rock Creek Energy?

Their name came up as having an interest in minerals rights in that area.

Yes, they are out and about in the area.

“Dry hole”? who would be drilling w/o talking to us “horizonatal drilling”? the dry hole is not horizontal?

Not sure what your question is. The fact is there was a vertical well drilled that was a dry hole.

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