Thanks for the info. I’m just going to play the waiting and watching game in 2012 in regards to our area and hopefully things will pick up.
Thanks for the info. I’m just going to play the waiting and watching game in 2012 in regards to our area and hopefully things will pick up.
I found a website that has some good information regarding the fracking of particular wells. The website is FracFocus. You can peek into the well information for Roosevelt County wells on this website. You might already be aware of this site but I found it very interesting.
That’s the kind of news we need to hear. This is third or fourth comment about the amount of activity at the courthouse. Wonder how much of this activity is directed toward top leasing? There’s got to be alot getting ready to start.
Just a little FYI. I mailed in a change of address for my mineral holdings to the clerk’s office in Wolf Point on the 20th of last month, called today 12/7/11 to see where my original was amd Cheryl informed me that it was mailed back to me yesterday (6th). I write this not to say anything negative about the clerk’s office but just to say that they are very very busy with mineral work in the courthouse right now. I look at this in a good way!!! Richard Needles
Question regarding “Executive Party”
On a land parcel where:
Party “A” owns 100% surface and 50% OGM and
Party “B” owns 0% surface and 50% OGM
and, the parcel has never been leased, who has or is the “executive” party? Or is there one?
I ask as I am not familiar with this subject.
If it is “undivided mineral interests”; each party could lease their share of the mineral interests to whom they wish whereas there could be two seperate leases on the acreage. The only difference in the two parties is Party “A” could get any surface damages in the event a well is drilled.
I read an article today (Billings Gazette), regarding the signs of the “boom” such as increased housing cost, etc. I remain optimistic looking into 2012 that this Eastern Montana area will see major growth in the drilling sector. For us mineral owners who have leases nearing expiration dates, we all must remain informed as to the current bonus/acre and % royalty rates when either re-leases or top lease offers are made. It is my wish that we all try to keep each other informed via this Roosevelt County forum about offers we encounter thus we will all have some knowledge about these rates.
Thanks for the comment regarding “executive party”. This clarifies the subject for me. I also agree that OGM owners in Roosevelt need to keep everyone informed on lease and top lease offers & royalties. It is the best way to help in getting reasonable & fair offers as the activity moves into Montana.
Just a comment for general discussion, the year 2011 was an extremely active year in the ND area while little attention was focused on the expiring leases in the Eastern Montana areas. Anyone have a prediction on what the year 2012 will bring in regards to drilling activity in this MT area?
Ditto on your comment. I want to also add that when someone gets an offer for top leasing or new leases in the Roosevelt County area, please inform others on this board so we can all stay in touch with what’s going on in the area. There should be some interesting activity, leasing, drilling in the next several months. Good luck to all!!
Let’s hope the weather is good this winter and Roosevelt County is targeted for leasing & drilling this year.
Hello…can anyone tell me how these oil and gas wells are named? Does the oil and gas drillers name the well and how do they come up with the name?
Often times the company just selects a name of a person that owns a lot of the mineral rights if that name is not already the name of another well. In our case we requested to the representitive who staked the well if we could name it after our grandfather who settled that land and worked it for 77 of his 95 years on earth, and they did that!!!
Has anyone heard of or dealt with Summit Resources, Inc.? I understand that this company has holdings in the Roosevelt County area and also in the ND area.
Update: I did locate Summit Resources (a company owned by Paramount Resources,LTD) located in Calgary AB. Company official advised that they do hold numerous acres in the Bakken including Roosevelt and Richland Counties. They have no plans to drill in 2012 as they are awaiting the outcome of any new wells in the area. Company rep did state that they are participating in a Richland County well and might participate in others if the opportunity arises. Appears investments in other areas of the country has put their Bakken investments on the back burner. I would not be suprised if a trade or sell of their holdings is eminent in the future. Most likely, if anyone leased to a broker named Great Northern Energy back in 2008/2009, then Summit Resources was appointed your mineral leases.
I have a question in regards to temp. spacing applications. The Montana Board of Oil and Gas has applied for a temp. spacing units on numerous townships/ranges in Richland, Roosevelt and Sheridan Counties (per Sidney Herald). Applications for temp. spacing in some of these same townships/ranges were made by individual operators back in 2010. All temp. spacing applications involve horizontal Bakken wells. Why would the Montana Board of O & G be making new applications on acreages that that has already been temp. spaced?
Has anyone recieved a letter from US Mineral Resources in regards with an offer to purchase minerals? I recieved a letter from this company wanting to purchase my minerals in T30N;R58E;Section 12. There must be some drillng activity near this area as I have much more acreage in sections to the East and not much in that area. Also, there area numerous permit applications for Richland county, some involving Roosevelt county. I’m wondering if the drilling activity will play out from Richland County moving North.
Correct; French well drilled by Whiting BEFORE the Hawkins has had a lot of reworking and owners have not received Div Orders yet! It also has less production; in 4 months it has done less than 10,000 bls!!
Division orders received on Hawkins 29-32, Fraced in Mid December; produced 4,000 after; and than 10,953 in January. Should have checks mailed on April 15th According to Brigham!
Dctex: Where is the Hawkins well located in Roosevelt County?