Roosevelt County, MT - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Our group owns mineral rights on T32 R49E sect 12 and 13. Can anyone tell me who is leasing in that area and what the going rate is?

Appreciate your help

Big Daddy:
If you go to the Montana Oil and Gas website, go to the GIS map, then to your mineral area, you can access the production information at this site. As I stated, there is a well being drilled near you and a permit also. Keep an eye on this and the production figures.

Miss SC:

Is the area in T28N;R53E;Sections 35 & 36 your land? Is the company using this road to access “landlocked” acreage? Looks like your area has two new wells that was just spudded. The companies doing the drilling are Samson and Continental. To answer your question about the use of this road, I don’t know what the laws are regarding this in Montana.

There have been several wells in this area according to web mapper but according to the key to the may it says they are dry or abandoned. Of course these were all drilled before fracking. I guess if they hit oil they will contact us to lease but then again they might keep it quiet in hopes to get more leases.

How can I keep tabs on this? Is there another site to go to that would tell when this would happen?

Miss SC, I think you had better get a handle on this tresspassing issue immediately. What if someone hurts themselves on your road and sues you. I think oil companies can be the biggest deadbeats of all because nobody want to sue them with all their resources legal and financial. Oil companies also love freebies, like a free road, they always figure they can fix it with money if they ever get caught/forced to deal in good faith. I hope everything works out for you.

I learned alot from you folks, Thanks

Charles, the landman of this oil company didn’t say what sort of survey it was, only that they were in sections 35 & 36 of T28N, R53E

I still told them they need my written permission & my land has barbed wire fencing & 1 gate that’s locked. There is a section on my land where there is no fence and a access road runs through it, I did not realize what the landman was talking about when he referred to this road. This oil company would still need a signed permission letter from me to use this access road, isnt that right? As far as I know, they’ve been using this road for awhile & like I said, I have not signed a lease with them at this point.

the land concerning this letter is in T28N, R54E, section 31

I was confused as to why the oil company sent out a letter stating this survey…I do have other mineral interests in other areas of Roosevelt county, but this company only mentioned T28N, R53E and thats why I’m confused about it. Anyway, I did write a letter stating that since I have no oil lease for this area, I didn’t give anyone permission to trespass because they already had in the past and put up stakes with markings/flags on them. It was explained to me that these were only “corner points” or something, as a way for the oil company to figure out where the property lines ended, for another well pad.

also, the only way to get to the sections they’re talking about is to use this small access road that is on my property–there is no fencing in that area and mostly the farmers use that road to get their machinery in and out, its not a main highway or anything, just a dirt road. I havent signed any Right of way for that road, only another one thats a paved highway.

Miss SC:

Sounds like they are using this road, tresspassing on your property without your consent. I, like youself, do not live in the Montana area but I have minerals in the area. I am not familiar with the laws in Montana regarding this type of matter. I would suggest that you contact the District Attorney (probably located in Wolf Point) and describe your situation to him. I am sure he should know the answer or can direct you to the proper authority.

Big Daddy:

I can tell you that Red Willow Great Plains LLC currently has a permit to drill just NW of your area and a producing well just above Section 12. I have no idea if they are leasing but I would keep tabs on how these wells perform as this will be a major impact on your rates. You might want to contact this company and market your minerals.

Thanks Charles, I will definitely look at that.

I went to this site and saw the will above our section and another close by, question now is there is a red diaganal line from the well to the opposite direction of the section, I know that means “well path” but what exactly is a well path and who decides what direction it should go? The reason I ask is that the path goes away from our MR land.

I know there are a couple of you out there that knows exactly what this means.

Thanks, in advance.

As Dctex99 states, it will recover oil along the direction of the lateral. They may come back at a later and drill more well with more laterals.

What would the distance from a well path be the oil recovery zone. In other words will it pull oil from half a mile from the well path or several hundred feet?

Horizontal well pads are set up (usually) to have 6-8 wells drilled off that pad. Of course that depends upon what production they find, what their lease covers and what the geologists have discovered. Sesmic has become more of an exact science these days compared to 10-15 years ago.

does that mean that it will “ONLY” take oil from that direction? and none of the oil will come from other directions of the well head?

If you read the permit; they start about 200’ from ONE corner of a section and go down and accross to within 200’ of the second section; thereby capturing the oil in both sections for quite a ways from the pipe dependiing on how many times it was Fraced. Some wells have done 3-5,000 bbls the first day pumped. On less productive wells they are shutting the pump off for a few days and letting it accumulate near the perforated pipe casing and than pumping a bunch up all at once!! All owners of both sections share in the profits depending on what Royalty percentage they signed for on their lease and of course, how many acres of the 1280 they have!!

It will show the direction of the Bakken well across the two sections it uses; that is determined by the driller. It captures oil from all the nearly 2 miles of perforated pipe if it is in a 1280!!

what is the 1361 mcf mean? I assume 1632 bopd is barrels of oil per day?