My wife and I own a small share of the French Well. We have heard nothing. Is if fair to say it has been a bust? Will they work on it some more or shut it down. Don’t know much about what is going on.
29N - 56E - 31, SE SW, 691 FSL, 2157FWL is the location of the French 21-30
Somewhere I got the idea that the French Well was an experimental well into the Three Forks Sanish formation, not the Bakken. Is that right?
For statistics that and Montana oil report; I have two people that still live up there and rent rooms to a Foreman and other workers and get me a lot of scoop on what is going on!! Still a big shortage of rigs, Fracing crews, Workover crews and proper infrastructure so HBP is the rule of the day!! I have 11 wells yet to be dug on rights I own, but it will be a long time I am sure! It is just tooooo crowded up there; even $150 oil would not help that area til it gets caught up!!
Thanks for the info on these websites. In the past, I have strickly relied on the Montana Oil and Gas (activity reports) for my info. Sounds like alot of us mineral owner in the Roosevelt Co. area will get an opportunity to negotiate new leases as the old ones expire since the backlog is so heavy in that area.
This French well apperars to be several miles the SW of my mineral area. As you said, not a great well but a good one for MT. Great info on the Montana Oil Report website. What website(s) do you use to get the most up to date info in Roosevelt Co. ?
I didnt realize I had not pasted this one…
replace the API on the upper left with the drop down of “Operator”,put in that operator and search;;;;then go left and click on well…tells production and other info… has a few wells on it about fracing… Iif you want to see my well, Google Hawkins 29-32; a friend did a video on Youtube!!
HI: Yes, sadly Brigham did their last Quarterly report on that October 5th document; Statoil took over after that and Brigham has just been an entity of Statoil; at least they have lots of Cash as Statoil is almost as large as Shell worldwide!!!
To anyone who is currently leased to Summit Resources: Just recently learned via a company rep of Summit that they are selling all of their leases in the MT area and should be finalized in May. Don’t know how many acres this Canadian based company has in the MT area but they leased through Great Northern Energy several years ago. It will be interesting to see what company or companies pick up these leases which most expire in late 2013, early 2014 according to this source.
For an idea of the activity in Roosevelt County, see
Go to page 21. This is dated October 2011.
I just learned that Summit Resources, who holds acreage in both Roosevelt County and ND, has sold its leases to Legacy Reserves LP, a Midland, Tx based company. They will operate this area from their Cody, Wy. office. Looks like a new name will be emerging in our area. Currently, I have no information about this company other than what is on their website. Hopefully, they will plan to develope some of this newly acquired acreage.
Tho he is not an attorney; a former State Senator in Sidney has Black Gold Consulting; they have done all the revisions/pugh clauses,details,etc for ALL of my families minerals which is quite a bit in total. I don’t have a ph# handy but should be listed!! Very reasonable;about half the price of an attorney up there; we last paid $75 an hour in 2010 for our last lease!!
Miss SC:
I have used Laura Christoffersen in Culbertson, MT on a couple of occasions. Her law firm was very efficient and the price was reasonable. She seems to have a vast knowledge of the Eastern MT area.
Does anyone know of any good attorneys that deal with oil and gas companies, contracts, etc in Eastern MT? Thanks
Charles Mallory & Dctex99, I’ll look into the info. thanks!
Personally, I would give them permission; the more enthusiasam and interest, the more you can lease for!!! I know that some indian burial grounds have been a problem for some drilling and excavation of soil. I would call the local sheriff if you really thought they were trespassing; he should be aware of the laws u p there!!
I assume this is not in a hot area at all than as we got $350 per acre in 2010 & 18.75 Rlty. Most all around me got the same!
Can an oil company use the term “archeological survey” to trespass without my permission, in order to do their oil drilling surveys?? I wont sign with a certain oil company so they are using another “entity” stating that this “entity” WANTS to do the “archeological survey” to look for graves, old indian burial grounds, etc…I think its very wrong. I did not give my permision to anyone, yet the oil company states they dont need my permission. Can I be forced into a CA (communitzation agreement) or something similar even if I dont sign with this particular oil company? they have 3 other wells in the area where my land is.
2 yrs ago this oil company got alot of people to sign oil leases for $50/acre bonus, 18% royalty rates. At that time, I would not sign, but last offer they gave me was $250/acre with 19.75% royalty rate–I still wouldnt sign. I just think its so wrong for this oil company to do what they did–they already had a surveyor put stakes near my gate and he jumped over my fence and walked around my property–someone else nearby saw this. I live 1100 miles away and just have friends or family up there to check on it once in a while–its mainly farmland. I am thinking of getting a lawyer involved since this company is so desperate to survey, I also heard one of their wells was getting 35 barrels per minute.
Miss SC:
When you say survey, are you referring to seismic tests? I tend to agree with Dctex99 in that if you give them permission, this could be to your benefit in regards to any lease negotiations. I agree that the offers have been on the low side and I would take my time. Activity is still emerging for this area as more operators are looking at the current lease expiration dates. Again, it’s your property and ultimately your call on what takes place.