Rose City Resources - Is this my well?

I have been using the RRC GIS viewer and noted that the permitted well with Rose City (The only Rose City I can find in Ahira Butler Survey 22). Today, it was no longer an empty circle but was green meaning oil. I haven’t heard anything about Morning Star Well 1 being mine. I signed the lease in January of this year. Can I assume that this is indeed the well I am part of the lease on or is it possible that Rose City just hasn’t permitted another area because I haven’t heard a thing about it. When will I hear from Rose City Resources or the RRC about this if it is indeed producing and I’m on this lease? I guess the phone will come in handy tomorrow, but any information you might have would be great.

Thank you.

Called and the well is a tract well and doesn’t pertain to me. What a disappointment.

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