Royalitys in suspense

Back in 2006 my father signed a lease with a company and later on after my fathers passing this company began drilling new leases on these minerals. The ogl is on record with the countie with a notary and a book and page number . How do I make this oil company pay me ??

Relay to this Forum all the information You have including State, County, Section, Township, Block , API #, Abstract #, lease #…anything relevant to this mineral lease and minerals acreage…and hopefully someone will be able to guide U in the right direction

I will have to get on the occ well data website and gather the leases in this area along with api numbers etc

Unable to read that…print tooooo small

First, You will probably be required to prove that you are the current legitimate owner of the properties in question. Executor, heir, etc. You probably need to consult with an attorney as well.

Contact the company that operates the wells on this interest and just ask them what you need to do to get into pay status. If you don’t know who to contact go find some old checks/ checkstubs and see who you dad received payments from.

You will need to contact the company and ask for their title requirements to put the minerals into pay status. It is likely that they will require that you have your father’s estate probated. This is not as difficult as it may sound.

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In 2006 when the company who leased from my father ( little river energy ) had not drilled these leases out yet . Not until 2008 thru 2012 did they start there drilling program . So they have never had to issue royalties. When I confronted the owner of the company about the lease , he told me that the lease was a mistake and that we really didn’t own the minerals . How can u sign and notarize a lease and record it with the county court clerk in records . . And the lease not be valid . Can that happen ???

It can happen more than you think. The title information for leasing is not always done. Some companies do them and some do not. The downside may be minimal to them if they make a mistake since the bonus amounts are relatively small in the big picture. The Division Order title opinions are much more rigorously done because the company does not want to pay royalties to the wrong parties. That is usually when the mistakes are caught.


It looks like they sold the land after they entered the lease without reserving the minerals. So it is doubtful that you would have any claim even if they owned the minerals when the 2006 lease was signed.

yrlvrhvnhl2irr4tt5km23wm_2023412_135817570.pdf (58.8 KB)

Obviously, this is not a title opinion.
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