Royalty vs Bonus

I have a question about the following info that I received.

The information attached to the 4.83 acres is correct. That property has an OGL and I’ve been paid the bonus. I haven’t returned the DO yet.

The remaining acres (.82, 2.81 and 1.65) are all subject to Pooling order 716360. But the only acres that they show tied to the pooling order is the .82, the others are tied to my original lease and I did not receive a bonus payment for those acres. I also have not received a bonus payment for any acres subject to the PO.

My question is, should I contest this and try to get the 2.81 and 1.65 acres moved to the PO and collect my $1000/ac bonus, which would also lower my Royalty to 1/8 instead of 1/5. Or should I just leave well enough alone, not collect the $1000/ac for the pooling order and keep the 1/5 royalty on those parcels?

This is for the Camino American Bison in 28-10-7

AMERICAN BISON 1007 21-28-1MXH_RI_ 0.0008308773

AMERICAN BISON 1007 21-28-1MHX_RI_ 0.0008977739

If your old lease was in affect, then it has a higher rate than the pooling order (according to above table), so you don’t want to get a lower rate. Looks like only 0.82 acres go with the Pooling Order. You can request payment for the pooling order if they have not paid yet. Ask the division order analyst for clarification. The lease may have had a depth clause which left some acreage open to pool.

Thanks Martha. Yes, the .82 currently is all they have listed with the PO but that isn’t correct, the other acres that I mentioned should have also been pooled as those and the .82 are all part of the same 5 acre tract.

Just for clarification. .,.these are two separate tracts of land about 1 mile apart from each other

One tract is the 4.83 acres The other tract is 5.3

THe old lease was in affect but it was only for the 4.8 acres

It looks like they credit the 5.3 acres as being on the same lease as the 4.83. I would listen to Martha. I’d rather have the higher royalty rate. Just collect the money from the pooling on the 0.82 acres.

If the .82, 2.81 and 1.65 were covered by the lease, it would not hurt to ask the company for the same bonus as was paid upon signing. I agree with the 1/5th is better than the pooling rate.

It was not. I didn’t even own the .82, 2.81 and 1.65 acres at the time the OGL was signed for the 4.83 acres.

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