Is it possible, and if so how, to enter coordinates of our original mineral rights lease to the current GIS Viewer screen?
Being a part of the A. Moorman Survey, Abst. No. 427, and being the South 74 acres of that certain 100 acre tract conveyed by P.J. Pierce et ux to E.P. Ross and described by metes and bounds as follows:
Beginning at the SW corner of said 100 acre tract; Thence N. 80 East 400 vrs to its SE corner and SW corner of I.T. Thompson 60 acre tract; THENCE N. 10 West at 751 vrs pass NW corner of said 60 acres and SW corner of D.T. Allison’s 70 acres and at 1064 vrs., a stk on Allision’s West line; THENCE South 80 West 386 vrs to stake on original WBL of said 100 acre tract; THENCE South 10 East 1064 vas to the place of BEGINNING and containing 74 acres of land, more or less.
Thank you so much. I do know how to look up the wells, but I wanted to use the lease coordinates to act as an overlay in GIS so I can see if some of my questionable Wells were actually within in the boundaries of my lease.
I submitted a longer answer, but I now have four posts awaiting approval so I will just mention that Panola CAD has an interactive property map and that you might do some research on your minerals using TexasFile or CourtHouseDirect.
You’re welcome. Maybe one of the expert landmen on this forum can help. You might also try to use TexasFile or CourtHouseDirect to try to discover more information. Then maybe go to the