Salt Water Disposal Well


As part of some inheritance my siblings and I have acquired some land with a SWD well on it in Hughes county Oklahoma (34-06N-10E). I’m basically looking into finding information about the well aka appraisal value (for tax purposes), condition of the well, how much it is being used, etc. as we might be interested in selling in the future. It is currently under lease by a company called Bison which expires in a few years. An interesting item is the lease is not per barrel but a standard monthly rate (not sure why). The operator has also indicated that the SWD isn’t really used all that much but has also been very tight-lipped on the subject of why. According to the Corporation Commission the operator is S & S Star Operating LLC. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Thanks.

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Can’t help you on the appraisal exactly, but would say “not much”. The surrounding wells are either shut in, dry holes or late in life gas wells, so nothing to inject.

Thanks for the info.