Is there any activity in Sec 29-2N-4W (Claudine)? I received an offer from Brigham Minerals to purchase my minerals.
I’ve seen enough activity on “offers to purchase” to make me think they have some inside info on a possible increased density in the area.
make sure you arm yourself with the appropriate information before accepting a bid.
Playing catch up here… I agree, Rick! Thats one reason I’m back on here looking everywhere for info on my interests. They are offering some big money by mail. They have also called and made ridiculous offers. One even said to “name my price”… I think they know whats going on… insider info or something…
Considering how many sections around you had multiple wells, 29 is ripe for infilling. Somebody knows something. Anytime you get that many offers, more than someone knows something.
So how does one go about getting the same information? I have interest in Sec 25. Have received purchase offers as high as $18,000/net mineral acre. Just recently received news about collaboration between Newfield and Encana. Deal to close 1QTR2019. There is also filings for 9 additional multihorizontal wells on 25/36 for the Woodford.
Where in section 25?
Hi Kent. I am not clear on your question. I have several parcels within sec 25 in T2W R4W. I believe the township/range is the correct thread I am on?
I received an offer of $18,000 per acre for 14/2N/4W. Is that in line with what others are seeing? Any word on increased density?
James, I believe they started out with 19,000 for ours in 16 2n 4w but we didn’t want to sale it. I believe had we been willing to sell they would have given several thousand more an acre. It never hurts to ask for more if you are interested.
Who were you working with on that deal if you don’t mind sharing?
Brigham Minerals LLC was who gave us the good offer on 16 2n 4w James.