Any news on this...I think they are getting ready to pool......Oklahoma Energy Exchange issued a notice of hearing on pooling June 7th but I never got an order to pool.....anyone know what's happening in this area? another one I decided not to lease because of a poor lease...
Elizabeth, Pooling on 8-6-12 "Matter Recommended" which is like a verbal approval. Final Order has not yet been posted on OCC.
Elizabeth, saw on occ daily docket 9/04 that Citation Oil and Gas applied for spacing and pooling on sec 5 2N 6W Application on 6/21. I am about to sign lease from Continental on sec 5 1n 4W got a good lease. Landman thinks they will be pooling soon. they have been leasing for about 1 1/2 yrs now.
Virginia she is in 2S not 2N. Michael is correct in that the pooling was recomended for 5-2S-6W. Reading the original pooling order suggested that this area is forty acre spacing, drilling shallow wells that make around 20 obpd. Elizabeth your area is in a different play then were Virginia is located.
Sorry Micheal ,Richard, Lizabeth I stand corrected. :-)
Richard Pruitt said:
Virginia she is in 2S not 2N. Michael is correct in that the pooling was recomended for 5-2S-6W. Reading the original pooling order suggested that this area is forty acre spacing, drilling shallow wells that make around 20 obpd. Elizabeth your area is in a different play then were Virginia is located.
so should I just wait for the pooling order or try to lease before then?...I have a small interest (I think says 80 acres but the net acres are .245....probably get highter interest with pooling if no bonus?
Michael Hutchison said:
Elizabeth, Pooling on 8-6-12 "Matter Recommended" which is like a verbal approval. Final Order has not yet been posted on OCC.
If you don't have a lease already you have probably been force pooled. Pooling will probably give you 2 or 3 choices unless you want the little bit of bonus money you would be better off taking 1/4 royalty no bonus if they offer it.