Section 16, T11N, R8W

My siblings and I have about 10 acres in Section 16, T11N, R8W, and Stable Energy has made us an offer of $1,000 an acre with 3/16 royalty.

Is anyone else getting any offers? Is this a good offer?

Here is what they were ordered to offer in the pooling close to you.

The terms of you lease are very inportant. You may need to add some things and take some out.

Thanks Ron! Now this order does NOT apply to us? Right. But gives us some idea what's going on nearby?

Ron McKenzie said:

Here is what they were ordered to offer in the pooling close to you.

The terms of you lease are very inportant. You may need to add some things and take some out.

James, There are a couple of other sections with pending pooling orders. Yours is not on the list yet. So far, the range over the last two years has been $1000-1500, so yours is a bit low at this point, but in the general range. No leases are posted on that section in a while. Generally, you don't want to be the early ones to lease because you get the lower offers.

Thank you. They offered us $1,500 at 3/16 royalty or $1,400 at 1/5 royalty and I accepted the latter.

James Smith

M Barnes said:

James, There are a couple of other sections with pending pooling orders. Yours is not on the list yet. So far, the range over the last two years has been $1000-1500, so yours is a bit low at this point, but in the general range. No leases are posted on that section in a while. Generally, you don't want to be the early ones to lease because you get the lower offers.