I need to find out how I can find out our family minerals. Payrock told us we are in the SW corner tracks 5 & 6. Marathon now says they were unable to find us but it belongs to Gilliland oil. I talked to them and they have the Lankard wells and we are in the Foster well that was capped many years ago. How can I find my father and his minerals, I understand they may be WI.
You might start looking up their names in the land records on www.okcountyrecords.com.
Not sure how far back they are digitized. Also look for Unclaimed funds at the State of OK Treasurer’s office.
That “tracks 5 & 6” is a bit confusing. Do you mean “Tracts 5 & 6” that are described in a Division Order?
Payrock found this info and it was a WI in the Foster well. They found it and I have talked to Gilliland but they say they do not have But Marathon took over ownership and says that the title is on hold till someone proves ownership. I do not know why they can’t check with Payrock who did the research. It shows RAF oil did the drilling but where do I find out who were owners.
Go to Marathon and ask what they need to prove title. They have drilling title opinions from Payrock most likely stored in a box in a warehouse somewhere.
The Foster well was drilled in 1977 by Rick Buck. First production was 12/5/77. Plugged in 1996. Transferred operator in 2000. Transferred again in 2005. http://imaging.occeweb.com/OG/Well%20Records/00000013/OCC_OG_179MKQD_1O16ITU.pdf
I see three Richardsons on the pooling records respondents list 201505884 by Payrock Energy, so they certainly have a set of Richardsons on their records.
Go to www.okcountyrecords.com and hunt for the family names. I see a trust that might belong to you in that section.
Thank you Mr Barnes. This should help me get started.
I show that we were in the SW 1/4 did you find anything in that area? There were 3 wells called Foster 1. I found a API number but it does not work. API 3507321915. And operator no. 7980. Located in the SW 1/4
The M Barnes stands for Martha Barnes, a wonderful Lady/retired geologist that helps everyone on this Forum.
Thank You Martha for sharing your knowledge.
Thank you for letting me know. She does a awesome job and seems like she responds to everyone.she has helped me many times in the past. Thank you Martha.
There are several Foster wells.
35-073-21915 Foster #1 is in the SE SW NE by GMC Oil & Gas in 1977. Oswego gas. Crawley was the Operator by the end. Online 1978-1985
35-073-21965 Foster #1-25 is in the C NE SE by Rick Buck in 1977 . Oswego, Prue and Mississippi. That is the one I quoted earlier. Humphries by the end. Online 1977-2009.
35-073-24370 Foster 1-25 is in the NW SE NE by Mott Energy 1996. Dry, so its not that one.
The only well in the SW corner is the Lankard 1-25 by Buck, then Bogo Energy and then Gilliland. The King and Jewell wells are in the NW4. Washington and two of the Fosters are in the NE4. The other Foster is in the SE4.
Payrock’s OCC spacing 201505665 was for the 640 acres for the Miss Lime. Mississippian, Woodford, Hunton and Hunton Limestone. There is a nice map of the previous wells which I have attached. A William Richardson is on the respondents list.
The Pooling case 201505884 is for the Mississippian, Woodford and Hunton at 640 acres. There are three Richardsons on the respondents list.
Marathon’s planned well is the Grellner 1606 1-25H.
Go to the OCC well records website. Type in 2516N06W in the legal location box and you will all the public records for the wells in that section.
Hope that gets you a bit farther. You can see the well locations on the permits.