Section 3-6-3

I own minerals in 3-6-3, McClain County which are leased. What is the activity in that area near Woody Chapel?

They have a pooling order & a permit for a multiunit well from section 15 under 10 & 3. In the pooling they were order to offer $850 for 1/8th , 750 for 3/16th or 700 for 1/5th. The well is the Birdsong 1H 3X .

Any more activity? Can you give me any idea of how long it will be before we start getting some revenue?

Could take a year after they start the well , maybe a little less

Indulge me? Has a well been placed? If so, when?

Nothing started yet .

Anything started yet, Ron?


I received an Order Dismissing Cause which indicates Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent, Inc. does not intend to drill the well. Does that mean any possibility of incoming revenue to me is dead?


Orders (615933 & 615934) were issued on Sept 17th, indicating the Applicant (Newfield) no longer plans to drill the well. What's your guess on what happened? Isn't this the same thing Newfield did in or close to Section 36 7N4W?...I thought that you had posted that before.

Ron McKenzie said:

They have a pooling order & a permit for a multiunit well from section 15 under 10 & 3. In the pooling they were order to offer $850 for 1/8th , 750 for 3/16th or 700 for 1/5th. The well is the Birdsong 1H 3X .

They still have a pooling on 3 CD# 201207708 , Order #606387

Good. So, maybe there's still a chance they'll move forward and drill. Thanks for info.

Ron McKenzie said:

They still have a pooling on 3 CD# 201207708 , Order #606387

Ron: can you respond to my original question?

This is the only horizontal well I could find close to 3-6n-3w and it is not very good .

I did find another pooling for section 10.

Ron, I apologize for my ignorance in these matters. What I meant by "my original question" was: I received the Order dismissing the matter because Newfield wasn't going to drill, and does that mean that I can assume I won't be getting any revenue? Thanks.

Did Newfield tell you they were not going to drill ? The well they drilled in 9 was not good . They still have poolings on 3 &10 that are good until Jan. 2014 . I don't know what they are going to do, but I would think if they are going to do anything they will do it by Jan.

I received an Order Dismissing Cause in Cause CD No. 301203476-T, Order No. 615932, stating in the body, "Applicant does not intend to drill the well, therefore, there is no longer a necessity for this application and the cause should be dismissed without prejudice pursuant to OCCRP 165:5-9-2(e)." It was my assumption that it was over since. Can you explain?