Sheridan CT MT

Do you know of any activity near TWP 35 N RGE 55 E Section 12`SE 1/4 Section 13 N/E 1/4 ?

No recent activity in the area observed on the GIS map. Keep in mind, if you will read previous posts, this Sheridan County area is currently activity is currently slow. Somewhat a waiting game as Richland/Roosevelt Counties are receiving current attention. As I tell others, Gary Hutchinson, a consultant on this forum, will provide you with the most current status on your area. His phone # is 303-279-4113. Give him a call and he should be able to provide you with current updates.

Thank you Charles. I am so glad you are a member of this forum in such an active and helpful way.


Toby said:

Thank you Charles. I am so glad you are a member of this forum in such an active and helpful way.

I may be in the wrong discussion, but does anyone have any suggestions on LLCs or Trusts to leave mineral rights to heirs? Some of which may not be family members? There are eight people now with inherited rights and some of these are getting older and have families of their own or unrelated people or institutions in their wills. Shouldn't we get this all pooled now?