There is 13 wells on 7 leases. Why would one of the stacked laterals be shut in on each lease?
West Texas natural gas prices were negative until recently, due to a lack of pipeline capacity and flaring restrictions. What is your gas to oil ratio?
Varies per lease. I would say much higher gas than oil. You must be hinting to the fact that operator shut them in due to gas prices
There can be other factors, such as well pressure and repair needs. Assuming that the wells were on your check detail and have now dropped off, look at the well test history and allocated acreage. I have seen wells listed as shut-in on RRC but which are in fact producing (been to well site) and are on the check detail. Some operators do a lease test and fail to break it down among the wells. If you identify the wells, then you may get a more specific response.
Brutus Buckeye 28-40, 57267, 57268,57326, 57270,57271, 57275, 57279
I am also attempting a rough value on minerals before receiving a professional engineer value when needed in the near future.Did you check to see if they have been fracked?
The other clue is in the well names. LS, WB, etc. Some zones are oily and some zones are gassy. They may selectively turn oil zones on and not turn gas zones on until the price is right. Local folks can comment on the zone names.