I am wondering if anyone else has signed a lease which was filed by the broker but the bank draft was not honored; lease not paid and the lease has not been released six months later by the company that obtained the lease. I think we need a good attorney. Has this happened to anyone else in Slope County?
Who was the broker?
I am sending you a friend request and will then discuss this in an email; you may also send the same to me. Thanks.
Could you tell me where your property is located and the terms of your lease in case we are approached about our Slope County mineral acres?
I am a member!!! I signed a lease that was never paid . John c. Gross, sd
Mr. Gross, I searched to see if your lease was ever recorded and did not find it in a search of T-133 R-100 SEC 3.
John C Gross said:
I am a member!!!!
I signed a lease that was never paid . John c. Gross, sd
This lease was recorded two days after we signed it; not released until the middle of June when we asked the broker what was going on. Wish we had not asked them that and we may have had other recourse to their action. So months later we do not have a lease.
Betty, I think if the land company/lessee. released the lease quickly on demand, no matter how long that they had had it, there wouldn't really be any case against them. One of the most important reasons I am here is to get the word out that you need to receive payment before you hand someone an executed lease. I personally know the expense and aggravation of having trusted a land company to do the right thing.
Yes, so do we. We asked for advance payment but was denied; in the future it will be some sort of up front payment or we will not lease. Experience is a wonderful teacher!!!. Thanks for your reply. We had also checked this with our attorney who gave us the same advice.
r w kennedy said:
Betty, I think if the land company/lessee. released the lease quickly on demand, no matter how long that they had had it, there wouldn't really be any case against them. One of the most important reasons I am here is to get the word out that you need to receive payment before you hand someone an executed lease. I personally know the expense and aggravation of having trusted a land company to do the right thing.
Betty said:
r w kennedy said:Betty, I think if the land company/lessee. released the lease quickly on demand, no matter how long that they had had it, there wouldn't really be any case against them. One of the most important reasons I am here is to get the word out that you need to receive payment before you hand someone an executed lease. I personally know the expense and aggravation of having trusted a land company to do the right thing.
I had a lease contract that was not paid within terms of the contract for acres in slope co,ND,as reported earlier. What is next???
John c gross, Madison,sd
Next, I would say to try to get the original lease back since it was not recorded. Failing that I would record a statement that the lease was never paid for and that you consider it void, sending a copy to the failed lessee with tracking. Then you try to lease again if you are still interested. I'm glad for you that I found they had not recorded your lease that they did not pay you for.
John C Gross said:
I had a lease contract that was not paid within terms of the contract for acres in slope co,ND,as reported earlier. What is next???
John c gross, Madison,sd
Thank you for your input. It is appreciated. I will follow as you suggest.
As ever, John c Gross, SD. 8-7-2!012