Small nonparticipating royalty interest

I own a very small nonparticipating royalty interest in Coterra’s Watts 1H-0135X well in Sec1-15N-13W which extends north into Sec36-16N-13W, a greatly diminishing gross royalty provider (Woodford I believe). An offer to buy arrived last fall from Buffalo Bayou Resources. Are they a respected group?
There are several new wells in adjacent sections to N, W & S. And a Mississippian well in Sec25-15N-13W. Does this indicate additional drilling within my Sec1-15N-13W is likely or feasible? Thanks for your input!

Offers to buy frequently come when buyers think the know about pending activity. Your section has one well and room for several more. A rig is currently onsite in sections 29/32. Infill wells are about three to four per section so far in the area. Wells naturally decline over time. Watts 1H-0136X is listed as a Mississippian well.