Greetings, In ~2010 my brother and I were bequeathed 35 acres of property owned by a family friend who passed. Shortly after, we sold the property but retained the mineral rights. I had forgotten about it until yesterday when I found the “division order”. I contacted Chesapeake Operating (Expand Energy) and they informed me the interest was sold to Haymaker Resources LP and Lamamco Drilling Company. The last known operator was Linn Operating Inc. I have the division order that allocates the interest the family friend held, to my brother and me but nothing else. I’m trying to determine if it’s worth pursuing, the total interest is listed at .00004510. I’d be grateful for any guidance (including “don’t waste your time”) or a referral. - Jeff
More information needed before anyone might be able to help. What’s the State, County and legal description (Block & Section or Survey/Abstract number) of the property you retained minerals on, and what well name is shown on that division order?
Some more information from the Division Order… The property is located in Oklahoma. Linn’s Warr Acres 16D-1 (ORI). Producing SE/4 section 16-12N-4W. This is the extent of the details I have.
Last production for the Warr Acres D1 was listed as 8/1/21. It was located in 16-12N-4W in Oklahoma County. Surface location is in section 15. It produced 1.87 BCF of gas so worth looking for. Have you checked the unclaimed funds in OK? Unclaimed Property
The last Operator was MT Energy LLC. Linn Operating began in Oct 2008. Then it was Riviera and then Black Anvil Operating dated in 2020. Black Anvil to MT Energy in late 2020. You may have a hunt…
STR_ERROR_PAGE_TITLE. Use the 1073 cope to look for the change in operators. Some of them have gone to bankrupcty.
Thanks so much, Martha. I filed an unclaimed property inquiry back in 2019 when they alerted the executor of the estate of a potential claim. I received a few hundred dollars but I’m unsure if it was related to this. Likely it was. A new search turns up nothing. I do appreciate the insight.
You should enable to contact the current operator and provide them copies of your documents and they will transfer to you. Sometimes getting put into pay status will also help successfully receive unclaimed funds.
You’re no slouch, Kitchen. Thank you for the addition guidance.
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