I am new to the forum and am starting to figure out our deceased father’s oil & gas leases and transfer them to my brother and me. I have many questions but for a start, I need help reaching Sooner Oil & Gas LLC. Two of his holdings were recently transferred to them. The phone numbers I’ve tried do not work. The address on the 1073 is 324 1st Ave, Fairview, OK 73737. The president is listed as Cade Gaiger. The phone number is not for Sooner Oil & they hung up on me. I’ve tried other numbers, both disconnected. Does anyone have a correct contact? My next step is to send a certified letter I guess.
If the wells are in OK, have you looked them up on the OCC well data base? Check the 1073 forms to see if Sooner is listed or if the wells were sold again.
Thanks for responding M Barnes. I have looked them up in the OCC well data base and they were transferred to Sooner. So I need to talk to Sooner, fill out W9s, and make sure they are paying us if there are royalties. But I have been unable to find a phone number that works.
Check the wells on the OTC site to see if there is production. If so, then hopefuuly someone on the forum will have a phone number. You can also send a certified letter return receipt to the address demanding payment and interest. Send them your W-9.
Thank you M Barnes. I’ll check out the OTC site. I sent a certified letter to the Sooner Oil & Gas address yesterday. Great suggestions.
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