There seems to have been some problems with Spur 20H. It was only on line for 8 days in May. Even on those 8 days the run rate was sub par. Any way of finding out what’s going on? We are hoping it was shut down to be fixed and will come back on soon.
The other problem is the gas price was so low. My estimate is that was responsible for about a 10-12% revenue hit. Not much they can do about that until gas prices rebound.
It is possible that there were mechanical problems, or there were other wells being fracked nearby and they had to curtail the well temporarily. It is more useful to the forum if you give the section, township and range.
Do you have an API number for the well? I see Trudy horizontal wells (by Spur Energy Partners) in that section, but having trouble finding a well named Spur. Do you perhaps mean the Trudy Federal Com 020H well by Spur Energy Partners? Wait a month or so and see what happens.