I have mineral acres in T25S R36E SEC 17 where Ameredev has permitted DOGWOOD FED COM 25 36 20 which was apparently spudded on 11/26/21 but stopped after surface casing was in place. How can I determine the status of this well? Is there any public knowledge available other than the info stating that the well was spudded and casing set?
They reported a frac to FracFocus in January. There is no record of that in NMOCD info, just the surf csg like you mentioned. You’d think it would be producing if they fracked it 7 months ago, but no telling. Might need facilities, disposal, etc. It would not make a ton of sense to just set 13.675" surface casing and punting for 8 months either.
If you have interest in the well, call Ameredev. If you do not, then either call them anyway or tough beats. I think.
The info in NMOCD or FracFocus is not gospel. The reports might be sitting in a box at the OCD office in Artesia. Artesians cannot be trusted. If I need to know badly enough my fallback is always drive to the pad and look and ask somebody.
Thanks NMoilboy - I find it very interesting that the hole was fracked 8 months ago. Considering the other producing wells in the area it is almost unbelievable that Ameredev generated an expensive dry hole. It is also unbelievable that the company would avoid production at this time if oil was there to produce - but only Ameredev knows. I have received a division order on the well so I will go ahead and submit. STRANGE the absence of info.
Artesians can not be trusted? Funny!
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