I’ve been getting well proposals, lease offers, and legal notices on this property regularly since 2018. It is NOT showing in my estate documents from 1953, 1981, and 1985.
I have an Interstate Petroleum Corporation Oil & Gas Division Order from April 1, 1988 that shows STR 06-01S-03W and lists the well name (lease) as Chatham. The OCC database shows Chatham as associated with STR 06-01S-02W and does NOT show any association with STR 06-01S-03W. This Division Order has a cover letter stating an earlier division order for the Chatham lease was erroneous. The ‘erroneous lease’ was for STR 06-01S-02W. I suspect Interstate Petroleum got range 02W and 03W mixed up. Relatives I know tell me we own range 02W and not 03W. Echo Energy told us we were a stranger in title to range 03W.
My question is: Does this sort of thing happen often where your ownership gets associated with property you don’t actually own?