Stringtown Unit #2 Years ago... what now?

I’m diving back into family records to get a better understanding of the history (and future) of some O&G ownerships in Wetzel County. Looking at my grandmother’s papers, I’ve found a 1984 Pennzoil unionization document that indicates a 1978 lease that she signed with C.E. Beck was being incorporated into the Stringtown Unit #2 for pooling purposes. However, my grandmother’s records are largely gone. I have no idea if she ever received royalties from the Stringtown #2 unit. She may very well have.

Fast forward in time, from the map and descriptions in the Unit document, I have been able to find the parcel that it refers to. I’ve also been able to find that parcel on today’s maps and in the WVDEP Oil&Gas Well map database. It appears there is significant current activity by Tribune Resources on that parcel. A vertical well as well as 3 horizontal well paths appear to cross over the parcel.

What is the relationship between Pennzoil’s Stringtown Unit 2 from 1984 and the current well activity by Tribune Resources?

Would the heirs of my grandmother’s mineral rights from when this was the Stringtown Unit not also own the mineral rights being pulled out of the ground in the last 5 years?

My mother is an heir and is getting small royalties from another location in Tyler County, but I’m quite certain that this is a separate situation, since it is tied to the Stringtown #3 unit, which is further to the south than the Unit #2.

Can anyone help me understand what might be going on here? Thank you in advance.

Start with the Division Order or Owner’s department at Tribune and see if they have any record of your grandmother’s ownership. Since your mom is the heir, she may have to talk to them. The Stringtown may be old permits.

@M_Barnes, Thank you. I’ll do that.