Hello I recently purchased some property that the mineral rights transferred over to the new owner (me) this was a old tract that i dont think the previous owner ever came out to even look at. my questions because i know nothing is…
- who is responsible for maintaining the road to the wells? there are two of them and the oil guys ride a quad to them and it is almost impossible to accesses with a truck.
- There are power lines running from the road to the wells just nailed to trees some that would be marketable timber later.
- the oil person will not return my calls.
The operator will be the one who is supposed to maintain the roads to their pad sites, I would send a certified letter to the company that requires a signature and a return envelope. You can get an oil and gas attorney involved, but that can cost you some money, i would personally try every option to get a hold of them before requesting the services of an oil and gas attorney.
thank you ! what about the low hanging wires and nails in all of the trees? it just seems so unprofessional let alone dangerous to my kids who play around in the woods.
I would put that in the letter you send them, if the operator put those wires/nails in the trees i would express your concerns there.