surface owner rights - Texas

We purchased a ranch a few years ago and we do not own the minerals. They were separated long ago. There is a active pump, tank, and small unburied line coming off of it. Looks to be leased by an operator.

What are my rights as a surface owner.

  1. Do they need to maintain the road leading up to the site? And if so how do I get them to actually do it?
  2. Can I get them to haul away old equipment. There are two unused tanks about 20 foot tall that look like they are from the turn of the century.

There should be a Surface Use Agreement (possibly also named Damages) in place with the operator that will dictate your next steps. If you do not have the agreement, call the operator and ask for a copy. If the operator has abandoned the site, then you would need to pursue assistance through the TXRRC.

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Depending on the age of the well, there may not be any surface use agreement. Decades ago, many operators simply sent a check with a payment acknowledgment form. There should be a sign on facility with well or unit name and RRC lease number and operator name. If the well or lease is operating, the operator may not be cooperative about clean up. A lot of small operators are not as good about lease road maintenance. If you post the well information, then someone may be familiar with the operator.

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Operator appears to be Peterson Oil and Gas if the sign is still incicative of the current lease. Anyone know their temperament?

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