Does anyone know of any activity going on around Swan Lake? I have 1/2 ownership of 5 acres on Sea Oats, by Pebble Drive. I believe the property is next to the lake, or it could be partly in the lake. It has not been surveyed for the property lines. Back in 2007 Seitel Data wanted to do a seismographic survey, but we could not ok it at the time. Now a group called Property Solution has expressed an interest to buy the property. I do not know if it is for minerals or real estate. Thanks for any info you can give me.
We have property near the ICW in Brazoria County. We had granted a permit to Seitel Data back about that time. But a few days ago I received a notice from the Corp of Engineers, Galveston, that Samson Resources is interested in a 3D seismic program that may affect one or more of our properties in Brazoria County. It did not specify a map in any detail. We will just have to wait until we are contacted if their seismic shoot will cross over our properties. This will involve shoreline areas including the West Bay areas of Galveston County as I understand it. As to the Property Solution issue it sounds more like a real estate inquiry than a seismic or royalty/mineral owner buyout offer. Mineral owners need to be careful about these buyout offers as we have been getting them regularly lately as they are for pennies on the dollar of value typically.
Thank you. I am going to call the City Hall to see if there are any building plans in that area. I agree with you, it sounds like a property inquiry. I saw the area where the property is about 6 years ago, but not much was there. Good luck with the results from the Samson Resources seismic program, but we have not heard anything from them.