T10N,R57W,6thP.M. Section 30

Trying to find out what’s going on. Had off for $7500 for 10 acres

Whoops was offer for $75,000 for 10 acres

I was also offered $7500/ acre for my rights, and I could keep the wells that were already producing.


You're in Whiting's "Horsetail" development area and if you look at the Colorado Oil & Gas Commission GIS map of the area at http://dnrwebmapgdev.state.co.us/mg2012app/

and press the button on left labeled "directionals" you will see their currently permitted drilling plan. It looks like they're going to eventually put wells across the entire section (most likely 16 across the section by 1.5 sections long for a 960 acre spacing unit). I'm surprised Whiting hasn't leased your rights. Also, I see no producing wells on 10N-57W-30. It would be most helpful to have the full legal description to compare against the current permits. Hope this helps.


Thanks for information. Rights are leased.

William , that doesn't sound right. Message me, I'd like to speak with you. I'm always weary of dealings that are structured atypical.

Thomas, I thought the prospect was called "Redtail" and Noble calls it "East Pony." The Niobrara B bench looks and is phenomenal.

I got my start in the Weld and Morgan Counties courthouse on 1/3/2009. I’m familiar with the prices. Message me and we can share information via email…