Anyone seen production data from the 'Vitek' wells on west side of landfill? They said they are running a pipeline from the location to the north, then east to tie into another one. They set tanks there-why would they also put in a pipeline? Really good production? There is a good size flare on that location.
What township and section?
Never mind.
The Oil registry shows a well in Section 25 but not in 24.
I put the wrong range - it's 2E not 3. So they must not have reported results yet? Could they have misrepresented the drilling permit? It's definitely on sec. 24. It is right on the south side of Yost, east of Perkins Rd. There were many frack tanks there for a couple weeks it seemed, then a small completion rig set up. Three new pads with electric meters & the flare has been going over a week now. #1-13 Vitek from something else I saw on here, Devon being the operator. Maybe they won't report results till they start drilling on the new site 3 miles east -T20 R3E section 15.
The pipeline is for gas that they are currently flaring. The tanks are for water and condensate.
The well was spud on 12/11/12, so I wouldn't expect any completion or production information for another month or two, at least.
The Oil Registry shows a well by Devon Energy in 20N-02E Sec 24. Started 12/11/12. Most likely it is producing now.
Thanks. I looked at the 'flare permit' today & it says the well is only making 30 mcf/day but they are allowed to flare off 200 mcf/day. How does that add up?
The permit to flare is only valid for 2 weeks - says 3/15/13 through 3/30/13. But it's been burning since 3/1 at least. SO....I'm guessing the pipeline they want to cross my place with is for gas, not oil...the guy that's been out wasn't very specific...