Taxes more than my royalties

Mineral 180 Acres Viney Greer OU A #1 Real AB 517 .001101 RI


Polk Gas Unit Real V Greer Curvey Well #1H 703.87 Acres .002763 RI

I received an offer today at $14,000 and one on Wednesday of $16,500.

I dont receive very many royalty payments and I pay more in taxes thanI receive in royalties.

Hello! My guess is that the two firms making the offers are banking that there will be a new well drilled, or possibly they can sell it for more than they are offering to buy it from you. San Augustine is an actively drilled county - we recently had several allocation wells drilled in San Augustine in the Haynesville/Bossier. So I would not sell without thorough research and understanding of my mineral interests.

But I am curious as to how it can be, that you would be paying more in taxes (severance? ad valorem?) than you make in royalties? That would indicate a problem, as taxes are just a percentage of the gross royalty you receive.

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