I’ve was pooled March 2019 in Creek County NW/4 NE/4 OF S32, T19N, R7E, (40-acre drilling and spacing units). I took the bonus of $100 for the 1 acre and the 1/8th royalty. This was back in March 2019. I have yet to receive the $100.00 bonus for the acre. I sent a certified return receipt letter demanding payment on 2020. I have not heard back from this company. What’s the next step in obtaining the money owe?
If you only have one acre it is probably not worth messing with the bonus unless they drilled. You may want to file something with the OCC indicating that you never received your consideration. But the OCC will probably not help you collect.
There is a well named Terrain, operated by the Little River Energy Company in the location you describe. It looks like it recently started producing as there is some production listed for Dec. 2020. Contact info for Little River Energy from the OCC directory:
LITTLE RIVER ENERGY COMPANY R Steve Crowder 1260 E BROADWAY PO BOX 1113 DRUMRIGHT, OK 74030-1113 Office phone: (918) 352-4444 email: LITTLERIVER07@ATT.NET
Maybe something in that contact info can help.
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