Texas comptroller

Im looking for division orders and how to get them. The last few times different companies have changed off Ive not recieved any notifications of them changing hands several times. Also several years back when my mother got older she didnt give a change of address. I tracked it all down and she did get the back payments that were held at the comptrollers office. After jumping thru hoops to prove ownership. But I happen to look on unclaimed money and found 37 more checks. Problem is im having to prove ownership all over again. I have all documents except for the division orders. Can any one tell me where to get one? Also Im a little concerned that division is varying from time to time. Thank you so much in advance for any advice or info

Welcome to the forum. The Division Orders come from the operators, so you will have to contact the Division Order department of each company. Start with the most recent as many may have gone out of business. They may want ttle documentation from your mom or any heirs.

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Thank you so much. Ill sure do that! These mineral rights have been in my family since 1946 at least thats as far as i looked. Ive had them for last 10 years. Never had any issues on receiving checks until now. Thank you again.

Two of the companies have phones that are disconnected. So Im assuming the address wont be good any more either. Any suggestions on how to collect those checks ?

You may have to make a list of all the companies that you have tried to contact in order to get the Division Orders along with the tract information as close as you can reconstruct. If you have any lease files or old Division orders from your mom, that might help. You can also try using www.Texasfile.com to find any leases under your mom’s name.

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Thank you so much ill do that. Ive been working 10 hr days and trying to do this in between so every bit of info helps thank you again.

I was fortunate that i reached Enterprise Crude Oil aka Teppco and they provided me with division orders to send to Comptroller. I sent them certified signature required. Hopefully its all good now. Enterprise was very accomodating for that request. And comptroller office has been very good working with me. So thankful to both of them.

Love a success story!

Well unfortunately for me i was denied for the 2nd time even tho i sent in extra proof ie my birth certificate stating father n mother showing names of prior owners til it was deeded to me, check stubs from previous checks recieved w my name on them , division orders, actual deed of mine every item that had the well name leasers n all division orders covering all 37 checks I still got denied said i cud appeal in texas from a no reply email!! No explanation no description of possible missing docs no direction where to seek appeal a big fat nothing Just 60 days warning to appeal from date of no reply email sent date Is this typical? With that much proof? Im stunned, frustrated, but not just going to let them keep 37 checks thinking ill get tired of applying Any suggestions from any one is much needed n appreciated for any info

I would definitely appeal. I’m sure they will give it a second look then.

Call into the Texas Comptroller office and ask what the procedure is to appeal this rejection. You may have to file in a court within the specified time.


I would call the Texas Comptroller and ask to speak to the Claims Examiner who worked on your Claim. They are actually very helpful and nice people and can at least tell you the reason the Claim was denied.

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Thank you ! I did get a chance to speak w someone there and even tho the rights were deeded to me before her death it was not included in her will that any past amounts be claimed by me. So … the win for the state of texas. They will not accept anything that does not state in her will exactly, that i am able to claim any past money owed to her in her name. Nothing that was in her name. 37 checks. Nice going texas. Nice donation for ya

Yes so would I except Texas covered every scenario it seems. That unless she had stated in her will that I was to recieve any money owed to her for those mineral rights they would not release them to me. Even tho she deeded to me prior to her death. She have to be clairvoyant to know that 37 checks would not be claimed by her many years later and should have to include it in her will just in case the comptroller office would have found 37 checks and state in the will that specifically I would be able to claim.

If the will was probated, then the executor should claim the revenues on behalf of her estate. You may need help from an estate attorney for this. I am only guessing here, but I assume that the Comptroller is taking the position that the revenues accrued prior to her death and therefore should be paid out in accordance with the “rest and remainder” clause, or applied to any unpaid debts of the estate by the executor.

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Thank you sounds like good advice altho my brother was executor and he died 2 yrs after she did.

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