When a well is drilled and producing oil, what is the time frame for receiving division orders in Texas?
Generally about five months, but that can vary depending upon the number of owners involved and the time it takes to do the Division Order title opinion.
Thank you! My cousins and I are heirs from our grandparents property. It seems everyone else got their division orders in March and have received three royalty checks so far. My brother, niece and I are still waiting on our papers.
Contact the operator immediately and find out what is going on. There may be a bad address or a title issue which can be quickly fixed.
I sent you a pm. Thanks
Will sending copies of our deeds clear this up? I sent our copies about 3 1/2 months ago. I would assume they already have all this on file because we get royalties from other wells. Also am I correct to assume that they would need this all cleared up before property tax statements are mailed out? I wondered what the deadline was on their end for recording information with the county.
Contact the operator again by certified mail return receipt. Ask for payment of royalties and interest if it has been more than 180 days since first sales. Ask them if there are any curative items that need to be addressed. If the wills have not been probated, that may be the sticking point, but only they can tell you what they need.
Thank you for your reply. I looked up the definition of curative items and I do think that this is related to titles. I’ve also learned that it’s not just the heirs from my family but there are more who have not received royalties. Some have and some have not.
I’m assuming that the operator needs to have this cleared up before I pay Texas property taxes this fall.
It’s up to the mineral owner to provide marketable title.
I’m sure my family has all the correct paperwork filed since the 40s. I’m not sure about the other people who have royalties on this well.
I get royalties on two other wells close by. I guess all this takes a lot of patience.
I just got division papers on the well I was in question about plus revised revision papers for another well. It seems I’ve been underpaid on that one for the past year. Will the amount I’ve been underpaid be paid in payments or a lump sum? Thanks for reading.
Most companies do a makeup payment in a lump sum, but I cannot speak for all of them. You do have to return the DO papers to get paid in TX. Be sure and include your W-9 so that they do not take out federal taxes (unless you want them to.)
Thank you for replying. I was surprised to see that I had been underpaid. I’ll send my papers off tomorrow.
Send the papers by certified mail return receipt so you can track the date they received them. Keep a copy of everything!
I’ll do it! thank you!
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