Thorp Petroleum Leasing - Freestone and Leon

Thorp Petroleum has begun what is likely to be another large-scale leasing program in Freestone and Leon Counties. At this point, they are focusing on two-year seismic and lease option agreements. On 6/21/2022, they recorded 42 of these agreements, 33 in Freestone and 9 in Leon. There will be double counting of these agreements, as some of the tracts include acreage in both counties.

These initial filings produced the following totals:

Number of surveys:

Leon: 5

Freestone: 11

Total: 16


Leon 501

Freestone: 2,358

Both: 1,680

Total: 4,539

I assume this is another deep-gas project…will be interesting to see how large the lease area gets.

One correction: The total agreements filed on 6/21/2022 should be 33, with 9 in Leon and 24 in Freestone.

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