Three Wells or Three different horizons?

trying to figure out what exactly is going on in my sections (Roosevelt county Montana), these three lines (Highlighted in yellow) just popped up when searching the DNRC Mineral Management sites when they werent there earlier this month/last month. I knew of one well that is supposed to start soon, but im trying to figure out why there are three lines coming from the dot that look like one but are three separate start points if you zoom in close enough. Any help? Thanks in advance.

Three new permits by Continental Resources for the Courtney FIU 3-26H, 4-26H, 5-26H. Three different wells all aiming for the Bakken reservoir.

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If they’ve recently permitted how long does it usually take from permitting to drilling to take place? if there was a best guess that is. Landman is worried bout spudding date, and i am too, hoping to get our lease signed this weekend.

It depends… Depends upon the operator and what their overall drilling schedule for the year is. Some companies have used up their budgets by late Q4, others have not.
Depends upon the weather. Some states can have drilling almost all year. Northern states have more preferred drilling times. Depends upon timing of drilling versus timing of bring wells online with predicted product pricing.
Depends upon availability of rigs and drilling crews.

As of today, I do not see a rig onsite.

ok cool thanks! I imagine you have a few more tools at your disposal too look at this type of stuff, but are there any sites you can recommend that i can use to look at what’s going on in the area? the DNCR mineral management site helps but im also very lost on everything as well trying to comprehend it all.

Montana is not my main area of searching. Suggestions would be to use the DNRC GIS map, local newspapers, web search on the presentations of the main operators if they have investor meetings, areas of interest, etc.

Would encourage all mineral owners to join the National Association of Royalty Owners. They have chapters which cover the mineral producing states. They host webinars, conferences, networking events, mineral management courses, etc. I think Montanta is in the Rocky Mountain chapter. Their president is a minerals expert. The NARO Foundation has just released their newest version of their mineral management handbook. That opens you up to tremendous resources for information.

(Transparency-I am the OK NARO president, so know how much time those NARO volunteers put into their chapters!)

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