Anyone know if there producing Grimes county A-33? I have mineral rights contract with M.D. America. 208 acres. Lease says it"s in the real property records Texas volume 1502 page581. This is kind of new to me. Lease bought out from Devon Energy for 2 more years. Pays 500.00 per acre. Only received a small check when signing the contract.
I find 7 wells producing in A-33. Do you have the exact location of your 208 acres in A-33. Is it in the N/E part of A-33? I find production numbers from well 30770, 30808, 30821, 30822, 30852, 30814 and 30815 in A-33. The Operator of wells 30770, 30808, 30822, 30852 is Marlin Energy Resources/Leases # 25958, 26294, 26601 and 26575. The operator of well 30821 is MD America Energy, LLC/Lease # 26719. The operator of well(s) 30814 and 30815 is CML Energy Exploration, LLC/Lease # 26253. Production is coming from all 7 of these wells from the Woodbine formation.
GIS Map of Grimes County A-33:
Clint Liles
I talked to the land man last month that said no drilling yet. From my renewed lease it says it's 2 tracts Timothy Jones A-33 Grimes County. Tract One 161 acres deed dated September 21,1937 from R.H. McCary to W.A.Boney recorded in volume 142 page 234 of the deeds record. Tract Two 47 acres same info. as above Says it's filed in the Real Property Records of Grimes County, Texas Volume 1502 page 581. Any information regarding drilling would be greatly appreciated. This is all new to me. Thanks